Mavericks Unlimited

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Dance as if nobody is watching...

Do me a favour…give me three minutes and two seconds of your life. 

Watch this video...

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Trust me that by the end of it you will fully appreciate the beauty and psychology of human behaviour, and you will feel heartened by what we can achieve with each other.

It’s so worth it, but not because of what Derek Sivers’ humorously shares about starting a movement (spoiler alert: it’s not really about that, it’s about leadership)

It’s worth it because of what it can give you personally if you’re finding yourself stuck in the mud about taking on something new in your life.

Maybe you’re second guessing yourself, you’re worried about taking a leap into the unknown, perhaps you’re worried you’ll look silly, or worried about what people will think of you.

Don’t worry if you are, it’s human nature to have doubts.

But do me a favour, if you have another three minutes and two seconds to give me, watch the video again.

This time look for the following and take inspiration from them:

  1. Courage – someone had the courage to be the first, then someone else was second, and third and fourth and so on.  The courage was infectious, and everyone appreciated the intention.  Who knows – those first ones may or may not have had butterflies in their stomachs, but they got up and went with it.  And look what happened…
  2. Follow Your Heart – trust your instincts.  They are not just bodily urges, they are you personal computer (your brain) connecting its knowledge with your engine (your heart and gut) to give you a powerful strategic poke.  Don’t ignore it…
  3. Power in numbers – Look at what happens when you have more people singing (or dancin’) from the same hymn sheet.  Tonnes more positivity, purpose and energy to get things done.  Find your crew, assemble your dream team: check out what we wrote about it here
  4. Joy: If you are doing what you love, you will get immense joy from it.  Live your purpose, make your own rules and have success on your terms.  Have bundles of joy with it.

Our fellow Mavericks Unlimited founder, John, always says we should not let the fear of change be greater than our will to act.  Take the first step, then the next one and so on…

So, if you’re ever stuck, just think about that first dancer on Derek’s video and remind yourself to dance as if nobody is watching...

YOUR TURN:  Leave a comment and tell us if you're stuck in a change and what you would do if you could "dance like nobody is watching"!