Posts in Energy & Motivation
Dance as if nobody is watching...

Are you second guessing yourself? Worried about taking a leap into the unknown? Perhaps you’re worried you’ll look silly, or worried about what people will think of you?

Don’t worry if you are, it’s human nature to have doubts.  If you are, take three minutes and nine seconds to watch this video...then see how you feel.

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How to Kung-Fu Kick Away the January Blues…

Before you start reading, this is not yet another post in January about new year’s resolutions to improve yourself, or a ‘new year, new you’ post…it really doesn’t focus too much on you at all.

It’s about others.

And, it’s about what you mean to them.  It’s also about what you can do differently in 2018 to have a huge positive impact on those people around you.

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Are You “Stuck”? Music May Be Your Answer…

You’re trying to start a new project or keep pushing through when you’re not feeling inspired and suddenly you ground to a screeching halt.

It’s likely that you’ll scour the internet for advice, tips, hacks or even try to find some magical fairy dust to get you unstuck and into action.

But I have an answer…well lots of them to be honest…songs, tunes, jams… MUSIC!


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3 Psychological Hacks To Keep You Going When You Want To Quit

Have you felt like quitting on a goal because it just seems to hard to keep going?  You are not alone.  There comes a point for most people where they feel like giving up.

What you are facing is the “messy middle” as Michael Hyatt calls it.  You don’t have the momentum of having just started something, and the finish line just seems too far away.  That messy middle can feel like quicksand and is often where most of us quit. 

Here are three psychological hacks that can keep you on the road to your goal, and get you back on the waggon when you (inevitably) fall off.

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