Mavericks Unlimited

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How to Kung-Fu Kick Away the January Blues…

(Hint: It’s about doing something you perhaps haven’t done for a while)

Before you start reading, this is not yet another post in January about new year’s resolutions to improve yourself, or a ‘new year, new you’ post…it really doesn’t focus too much on you at all.

It’s about others.

And, it’s about what you mean to them.  It’s also about what you can do differently in 2018 to have a huge positive impact on those people around you.

Why The Sad Face?

For many, the start of this month brings a crashing dose of normality after the fun times of the festive season.  Parties are done, presents have been opened and we’ve literally had a bellyful of enjoyment.

With this new dreaded normality, usually comes a host of new year resolutions we choose for ourselves. 

New year resolutions are cool. So are picking intentional words for the year or just making some commitments to improving yourself.  If the start of the new year is the moment for many to do it, who are we to argue?

In Krish’s last post, he showed you 3 Hacks to Pre-Frame Your Success in 2018, so that you can set your resolutions or change goals with integrity and conviction.

And Now for Something Completely Different

But I’d like to ask you to add something more…I want you to set some goals that will impact other people. 

The reason I’m asking this will become clearer as you read through the post, but for now I want you to do this because small changes you make to your daily routine can have potentially massive consequences for important people around you.

And whilst the effect of these goals are intended for them, I’d bet my life that you’re going to get tonnes of motivation and good vibes from it yourself.

Make Resolutions About Other People

The inspiration for this post came right at the end of last year when we were catching up with our good friend, Mark.  We were all reflecting on how we felt our year had gone, and he said he felt particularly proud at achieving his goals he’d set for himself. 

One of these (that I really related to as a parent) was his commitment to be much more ‘present’ with his kids and family.  He wasn't just going through motions of whizzing through stories at bedtime because he’s busy or having a quick dinner with his mind on work.  He deliberately focused on truly being there and enjoying intentional time together.

I related to it mainly because I could see myself doing a fair bit of that last year as we were developing our online course, Switch.  In that moment with Mark, I set myself the same commitment for my kids and family in 2018.  Thanks Mark!

What was so powerful for me about that resolution was the impact it would have on Mark’s kids.  It’s immeasurable, and from that, Mark was getting so much too.  It’s a virtuous circle where everyone benefits.

What Can You Give?

Life is busy, and there will always be lots going on.  However, if we don’t stop to make adjustments, we’ll find ourselves constantly on life’s rollercoaster. 

I want you to think about important people in your life, and consider what you can give them:

•      Your attention – who do you want to spend more time with in 2018? Who would benefit from seeing more of you?

•      Your knowledge – who could learn from you? What can you share with someone that would help them?

•      Your support – who needs your moral support or strength this year?

•      Your friendship – who do you miss? Who haven’t you seen in ages?

4 Tips To Make Your Resolutions A Success

1)    Be More Present:

As above in Mark’s example, be there in mind and spirit, not just in body.  Listen intently, be curious and have fun.

2)    Go Screen Free:

Hand in hand with the above tip, put your phones down and turn your computers and TVs off.  Hygge was so last year I know, but the concept is a beautiful celebration of embracing the simple and just being in each other’s company.

3)    Don’t Make Assumptions:

From a book called The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz (we’ll be doing a piece on this in the near future because we love it), but in principle here, we’re saying don’t hold back because of your assumptions.  If someone hasn’t seen or heard from you in a while, give it a go and don’t worry about awkwardness.  You can’t change the past, but you can influence the future!

4)    Don’t overstretch:

In your eagerness to now make huge impacts on others, you might tell lots of people you’re going to see them, do more with them etc.  That’s amazing if you can, but if they end up being hollow promises because you overstretched, everyone will feel lousy.  Commit only to what you can, and then make sure you do it.

OVER TO YOU:  So, in addition to your own personal self-improvement goals for 2018, what resolutions can you make to give more of yourself and make a huge impact on others?  Drop us a comment below and share with us.