How To Turn Your Pivot Into The Life You Want To Live

This is the last piece in a series I’m writing on pivots.  In the first post, I introduced the notion of pivoting; moments when change is happening or about to happen. The second part helped you recognise where you might be within your own transition by understanding the change curve. This final post is about taking some action.

Action Is The Key

Whether you’re in a place of frustration or experimentation, the key thing is to do something. If you’re stuck in your mind, it’s important to get going with action.

Taking a step forward, however small it might appear to you, is one closer towards Integration on the change curve; a place where you get to start living the life you want to.

This life might be getting a new job after being made redundant, or finally starting a business because you always felt it was in you.  Maybe it's spending more quality time with loved ones, or learning a new hobby or sport.  It’s basically anything that is calling you, but you’ve just been unsure what to do next or how to get there.

The First Step Always Matters Most

The first step is so important.

Because the first step is going to be followed by another, then another, and another after that... Enough steps create momentum.  From momentum comes confidence and clarity, and then hopefully, you’ll be in a place to experience velocity!

The intent of this post is to be a helpful and practical guide to taking the first step forward, no matter where you are on the change curve.

What To Do During Your Pivot Moments

Below, you’ll find each of the stages I wrote about in the previous article.  No matter where you find yourself, I have suggested one or two first steps or actions you might take in each situation to create momentum...


Shock: surprise or shock at the event

(Antidote: Self-Care)

  • Take a Deep Breath. There’s nothing like a spot of oxygen to clear the mind and get the blood flowing.
  • Do a grounding exercise (if you’re sitting, stand. If you’re standing, sit…it sometimes helps to shift the body.  If you need some help, you could try this quick guided meditation by our very own Krish).
  • Take your comforts (your favourite cuppa, a walk, see a friend).


Denial: disbelief; looking for evidence that it isn’t true

 (Antidote: Reality Check)

  • Do a fact check. Write down the things you know to be factually true (vs. hypotheticals and assumptions)
  • Objectivity will give you the clear head to make the right choices.


Frustration: recognition that things are different; sometimes angry

 (Antidote: Take control of the situation)

  • ADE (Assess, Decide, Execute). My good friend and business mentor, Justin Billingsley, taught me many things when we worked together at Saatchi & Saatchi.  One of my favourites was the ADE operational model to get stuff done in our business.  It’s simple to understand: Assess - review your situation, Decide - what decisions need to be taken, Execute – take effective action on your decisions.
  • Although primarily a business tool, I find this also to be a powerful personal development tool. When frustrated and feeling powerless, use the model above to take back control.


Depression: Low mood; lacking in energy

 (Antidote: Get up & Get out.  Get Help)

  • If you’re feeling down and find yourself stuck indoors, get out. Take a walk, move your body.  Nourish your mind and body with fresh air and exercise.
  • Talk to someone about how you’re feeling. Talk to your friends, your coach or someone you trust.
  • People interpret depression in completely different ways; it can range from feeling down all the way through to it being a clinically diagnosed condition. If you need support and guidance about how you’re feeling, seek out specialist help.


Acceptance…acknowledging the situation

 (Power-boost: Step on the accelerator)

  • Create a Mind Map. Go analogue. Take a sheet of A3 paper, draw a circle in the centre of the page with your name in it and then start to draw branches out; list your skills, experience and map the opportunities you have in front of you.
  • If you’ve been stuck or procrastinating about where to start, read this article written by Krish on productivity


Experiment…Initial engagement with the new energy

(Power-boost: Mix it up in the sandpit)

  • By saying YES to xxx, what am I saying NO to? We use this question a lot in our coaching work. Let me give you an example…by saying YES to re-training in a new vocation, I am saying NO doing a job I don’t love, and I’m saying NO to not living my purpose.  I’m saying NO to unhappiness, and I’m saying NO to not having a career path.  Make sense?
  • Ask yourself the question. What are you saying NO to?


Decisions…Learning how to work in the new situation: feeling more positive

 (Power-boost: Time to walk the walk)

  • Now that you’re feeling flush with confidence and ideas, it’s time to make some choices about how to spend your time most effectively. Prioritise the important stuff using the Action/Priority matrix; a simple, yet highly effective tool to help you figure what’s important.


Integration…Changes integrated; a renewed individual

(Power-boost: Live the life you want to)

  • Enjoy life, be in the moment.
  • Open yourself up to a road less travelled and explore unknowns.
  • Try some gratitude exercises to reflect what you’re thankful for.
  • Pay it forward; help someone else by sharing your story and giving some inspiration.


So, there you have it.  The first action steps to take when you find yourself in those pivoting moments.  Once you have some momentum, deciding and taking the next step will become easier and easier.

Our First Product Coming Soon…

At Mavericks Unlimited, we’re dedicated to helping people in these moments in their lives.  So much so that we’re developing a robust and immersive experiential programme that supports and guides people towards living the lives they’ve always dreamed of.

We’ll be launching the programme in September 2017, but in the meantime, keep checking our blog and weekly newsletter for inspiration and actionable wisdom.

Please leave us a comment or share a story about any of your successful pivot moments.